
Unless stated otherwise, the following activities for members are held at our Hub: 533 High Street, Kew.
If you wish to join an activity for the first time, please notify the Hub Administrator by calling 8529 5307 or email

Art and Craft Group​

Work both sides of your brain in being creative with art and craft! Art therapy has been found to have positive affects in stroke rehabilitation, particularly in reducing mental effort in processing multiple aspects of the effects of stroke. The art group was inspired by Bill Berryman, an artist affected by stroke who subsequently then taught himself to paint with his non-dominant hand. Bill’s and other stroke survivors’ handmade cards are sold to raise funds for the Hub.

Sessions: 2nd and 4th Monday of each month; 1pm – 2.30pm.

Convened by: Penny Lindeman and Catherine McCullagh.

Blokes n' Stroke​

Are you a bloke who has had a stroke or a carer? The problems you face may not be so different to other blokes who have been through a similar experience to your own. Come down to meet a bunch of guys to see how they do it, and share some inspiration of your own.

Sessions: 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month; 10.30am -12 noon (endings may vary).

Convened by: Shane Houghton and Peter Hocking – stroke survivors.

Bowls (Lawn)

The BSSG has a very successful Lawn Bowls program which is accessible for all abilities. We play on a synthetic green each Monday morning with assistance from lovely volunteers. This is followed by morning tea where we can all enjoy a cuppa and a choccy biscuit, or two, or three.

Sessions: Mondays from 10am to 11am followed by morning tea until 11.45am.

Convened by: Brian O’Meara a stroke survivor and former President.

Venue: MCC Bowls Club, 41 Glen Street, Hawthorn.

Carer's Support Group

Only a carer understands what other carers are going through. Caring for someone comes from the heart but it can also be emotional and stressful at times. This group offers a brief period of respite and a chance to talk through some of the challenges you may be facing. A cup of tea is never too far away.

Sessions: To be notified.

Convened by: Vivi Harkness OAM, President and a former carer.



Chatterbox was formed at the Royal Talbot for people with communication difficulties, to help them rebuild their conversation skills and socialise with others. In 2016, the group moved to its new home at the Boroondara Community Stroke Hub. The group is convened by retired speech pathologist Ro Jacobs with retired nurse Jan McKenzie, and promises a good time while getting to know your peers through supported conversation.

Sessions: Every Wednesday: Group 1 runs from 11.00am – 12.30pm and Group 2 runs from 1.00pm – 2.30pm

Convened by: Ro Jacobs with retired nurse Jan McKenzie

Cooking Group

Join stroke survivors and carers in learning and teaching the culinary arts. The best part? You eat what you make! 

Sessions: To be notified.

Convened by: Vivi Harkness OAM our President and a former carer.

General Gatherings

Come along to meet other members in your stroke community. Make friends, share stories and support each other. You will be able to voice your ideas and opinions on the BSSG’s activities and all things stroke. With the support of others, your ideas will be taken to our committee and may be used to shape the future of the Hub. Special guests are sometimes invited to present to the group on topics of interest, both stroke and not-stroke related. We find speakers based on the recommendation of our members.

Sessions: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month; 10.30am – 12pm

Convened by: Vivi Harkness OAM, President and a former carer.

Relaxation and Mindfulness Group​

Our fortnightly Relaxation and Mindfulness meditation session begins with a little discussion followed by guided relaxation/a short mindfulness meditation. You will wake up feeling relaxed and happy. Relaxation and Mindfulness is held on Zoom and convened by Tessa Lim a stroke survivor and qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Sessions: Held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays every month.

Convened by: Tessa Lim

Movie Group

Our resident movie buff, author and stroke survivor Peter Hocking has put together a list of wonderful movies which the group watch together, followed by lunch and tea/coffee afterwards. Members pay $25 per person to attend.

Sessions: To be notified.

Convened by: 

Sing for Recovery

This singing group, for all abilities, has been formed to deliver the pleasures of music to people in the community. It raises awareness of the BSSG and has given a lot of pleasure to singers and audiences alike. We hold our rehearsals at the Hub on Thursday evenings, followed by a delicious supper provided by local eateries (Via Verona, Wood Frog Bakery and Viennese Patisserie). Sing For Recovery is convened by Vivi Harkness OAM President and a former carer.

Sessions: Every Thursday from 6.30pm to 7.45pm 

Convened by: Musical Director and Accompanist, John Keuneman

Upper Limb Activity (Able X System)

Able X sessions can help improve your gross motor skills, upper limb skills, endurance, balance, standing tolerance and cognitive skills such as scanning, visual perceptual skills, memory, planning, problem solving, comprehension and attention.

Able X is also on offer at Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Hand Hub. We welcome those who have completed the program at the Hand Hub and would like to continue participating in this activity. To read more about the Able X system, click here.

Sessions: Currently available on Tuesdays. Bookings are essential as sessions are one-on-one.

Convened by: Anita Paxton, a retired nurse and her team of helpers.

Young Stroke Support Group

Working age stroke survivors (18 to 65 years old) face different challenges to older stroke survivors, therefore require supports of their own. Formed in 2017, we are a group of young stroke survivors from all over Victoria, who meet to chat, share and have a good time. Topics this group cover include going back to work, driving, restaurants and going out, sport, shopping and many more. Convened by Jay Te Manu, a stroke survivor.

Sessions: 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month 6.30pm – 7.45pm. Second meeting: Dinner out.

Convened by: Jay Te Manu