BSSG receives no ongoing funding. It exists due to the generosity of our members and others who commit their valuable time, efforts and funds to our cause.

Memberships, Donations and Bequests
BSSG accepts payment by Bank Transfer, Cash, Cheque, CC/EFTPOS.
Cheques are made payable to “BSSG”. Our Bank Account details are:
Bank Account Name: Boroondara Stroke Support Group Inc.
BSB: 633-000
Account number: 159 151 109
We offer membership under the categories of:
- Stroke Survivors
- Carers
- Health Professionals
- Volunteers
- Friends
- Donor/Benefactor
Membership Fees
We ask anyone who wishes to have an involvement with the BSSG to sign up for membership, in order to help cover our administrative costs. The cost of membership is $50 per person for the 2024 year.
A few of our activities incur extra costs which we will alert you to such as $5 per session for SFR to pay for our Choirmaster.
BSSG has recently obtained DGR status and gratefully accepts donations. Any donation over $2 is tax deductible and goes towards ensuring our group can continue to operate.
Membership Form: click here
All members must act in accordance with BSSG’s Statement of Purpose and Rules Act 1981 and in accordance with BSSG’s Code of Conduct.
Leaving a charitable bequest in your Will to the Boroondara Stroke Support
Group (BSSG) will help ensure our organisation can continue to support
stroke survivors and their carers into the future. Every dollar helps.
To make a bequest: click here